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We are seeking funding to increase the impact of our current programs. Check out our donor opportunities page at to learn how we can leverage small to medium sized donations for basic needs, scholarships, training grants, and more.
If you're interested in disrupting mental health care in Texas with a large investment, consider funding the 5-Year Advanced Practice EMDR and Quality Mental Health Care Leadership Fellowship. $1M funds 50 clinicians to complete the essentials needed to become EMDRIA approved basic training to build the capacity of South Texas to lower distress and boost beliefs, tackle performance, heal distressing memories, and lay the pathway for improved access to quality mental health care for generations to come.
$1.25M provides these 50 clinicians with a LENS (Low Energy Neurofeedback System) to use in conjunction with EMDR to promote optimal brain functioning. There are only 5000 providers trained in the entire world. Imagine what would happen to the future of mental health care if our own South Texas biosphere became the model for the world.
Contact for more information.
Are you ready to join us around the world to level the coping playing field for all? Are you interested in supporting a mental health desert and need a vehicle to make it happen? Our programs use evidence based techniques that we use in our practice and apply them to group, institutional, and corporate settings.
We are seeking grants to build world resilience through corporate and institutional wellness programs, first responder critical incidence stress debriefing, increasing the pathway for health professionals, supporting schools to lower test anxiety and improve performance, and coaching to build the capacity of our leaders to help our workforce level up. Donations from the proceeds from the for-profit business, Got This, Inc. are used to support our service track of our work. We hope you join our mission and vision for a world that can self-regulate and level up as individuals so that we can co-regulate in relationships where we live, learn, work, and play to elevate in unison.
Donate at
Are you an investor ready to disrupt our neural pathways from the mind, body, and spirit? Got This, Inc. is seeking $3.5M for equity in our consumer and telehealth platform product lines. Our seasoned team of professions have come together to bust through limiting beliefs, body sensations, and uncomfortable emotions that keep us from living the life we desire. Got This! brings evidence based practices like EMDR and other tools I use in my office to any device at the touch of your fingertips.
Our subsidiary product lines are seeking engineering and product development team proposals for our patent pending AI devices.
Learn more at or contact if you are interested in investing in the company.
Do you offer services to Medi-Cal eligible clients? Your institutions, non-profit, health service organization, school, or other program may be eligible to have us support your workforce and have the Cal AIM TA Vendor Marketplace pay for our services.
Check it out and see if you are an eligible recipient at We would love to come support your workforce to keep going. Schedule time with our team to support your workforce wellness needs with
Do you need continuing education units or are you just interested in some more information about child trauma, how to prepare an immigration psychological evaluation, learn how to use EMDR virtually, or manage your stress? We offer distance learning opportunities or schedule me to come present to your providers. I also offer 1, 2, 3 day seminars to Jump Start any Goal, boost your justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion strategies with SPACEHOGS, Ubiquity Zooming, Building Resilience in Education, How to Conquer Test Anxiety, and more. I also lead retreats that are completely customizable to your developmental goals of your organization. Within a meeting or two we can schedule the right mix of tools to strengthen your team and take strides to maximize performance potential for your retreat.
Check out some of our self-paced classes at or Contact to schedule your class or retreat today.
Is your team ready to level up? My motivational presentations are highly interactive and leave the audience knowing how to get their needs met, ready to shine, and laughing away their stress to safety and connection.
Graduation addresses, corporate motivational keynote addresses, academic presentations, and more.
Reach out at
Are you ready to reach new heights in your life? I would be honored to walk with you to tackle what is keeping you from the life you would like to lead with a completely customizable Destination Me, Celestial Journey. We use a variety of therapeutic and experiential tools along with my 30 years of clinical experience to
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